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Happy Dragon Boat festival 2024

  The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duan Wu Jie in Chinese, has a rich history. One popular theory suggests it originated from the commemoration of a great patriot poet, Qu Yuan. During the Warring States Period, Qu Yuan served in the court of Emperor Huai. His fight against corruption led to his exile. In despair over the decline of his mother country, Chu State, he drowned himself in the Miluo River. Legend says that people raced their boats to search for his body and dropped rice into the river to prevent fish from feasting on it. Since then, dragon boat races, zongzi (glutinous rice dumplings), and other activities are held annually on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month to honor Qu Yuan’s memory. #dragonboatfestival #端午節 #konijndesignstudio

What are the financial consequences of power outages for industrial facilities?

  Power outages can have severe financial consequences for industrial facilities, some of which include: 1. Production Losses: One of the most significant financial consequences of power outages is production losses. When the power goes out, industrial processes are often disrupted, leading to missed deadlines and lost production. These losses can result in reduced productivity and lost revenue for the facility. Some industrial facilities may find it challenging to make up for lost production once power is restored, resulting in longer-term financial impacts. 2. Increased Costs: Power outages can increase the operating costs of industrial facilities. Facilities may need to purchase temporary generators or other equipment to restore power and maintain operations during the outage. These additional expenses can add up quickly, leading to increased production costs. 3. Equipment Damage: Power outages can also damage sensitive industrial equipment. When the power goes out and comes back on

What are the major differences between RISC-V and traditional RISC CPUs?

For those of you new to RISC-V, it is an open-source Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) that began as a 2010 project of UC Berkeley’s Parallel Computing Laboratory and is now ushering in a new era of chip design and innovation. As the adoption of RISC-V accelerates, it will be used to support a plethora of devices and products, from automotive to 5G and wireless networking, to data centers and beyond. We are seeing new RISC-V architectures that are, for example, designed to deliver new capabilities for pre-silicon development, allowing new ways for SoC (System-on-Chip) architects and system software developers to define new products. This enables organizations to quickly prototype a product, including products for automotive with safety packages. (an excerpt from “Driving the Future of Chip Innovation: Top Three Reasons to Adopt RISC-V” by Desi Banatao) As a RISC architecture, the RISC-V ISA is a  load–store architecture . Its floating-point instructions use  IEEE 754  floating-poi

Let’s start the new year with a bang!

  Ushering in a new year comes with tons of excitement, anticipation and, of course, setting up new goals to be completed. Whether you’re choosing to ring in 2023 with a resolution to boost your business or to start a new venture, chances are you can take a few cues from Konijn Design Studio where we have mentored and guided hundreds of start-up companies and well-established corporations. To focus on a business direction, it can be helpful to: Clearly define your goals and objectives. Conduct market research to understand the needs and wants of your target audience. Identify the unique value proposition of your business and how it differentiates from competitors. Develop a detailed business plan outlining the steps you will take to achieve your goals. Prioritize and execute on the most important tasks and activities that align with your business direction. Continuously evaluate and adjust your strategy as needed based on market conditions and customer feedback. Stay disciplined and pe


祝福各位 新年快樂萬事如意 鴻兔大展 錢兔似錦 兔氣揚眉 兔飛猛進 兔兔高升 福兔迎祥 玉兔迎春 兔肥家潤 動如脫兔 福兔賀歲 兔躍納福 兔年吉祥 兔來運轉 兔年行大運 #新年快樂 #HappyChineseNewYear2023 #konijndesignstudio -- 歡迎按讚、分享,以及關注我們,隨時讓您獲得第一手消息! KDS官網: Facebook: Blog:

What's so awesome in PHP 8.2?

PHP 8.2 is a minor release in the PHP 8 series and was released on 2021-12-06. Some of the notable features and improvements in PHP 8.2 include: Nullsafe operator: This operator allows you to chain method calls and access properties without having to check for null values at each step. This can make your code more concise and easier to read. Mixed type hint: The mixed type hint can be used to indicate that a function parameter or return value can be of any type. This can be useful when a function can accept a variety of different types, or when the type is not known at the time the function is written. Improved JIT (Just-In-Time) compilation: PHP 8.2 includes improvements to the JIT compilation feature introduced in PHP 8.0, which can improve the performance of certain types of code. New string functions: PHP 8.2 introduces several new functions for working with strings, including str_contains(), str_starts_with(), and str_ends_with(). Other improvements: PHP 8.2 also includes various


建立一家成功的技術公司需要結合幾個因素,包括強大的商業計劃、對目標市場的深刻理解、對公司未來的清晰願景以及適應和創新的能力。以下是您可以採取的一些具體步驟,以增加成功的機會: 制定可靠的商業計劃:這應包括對您的產品或服務、目標市場、行銷和銷售策略以及財務預測的詳細說明。 瞭解您的目標市場:徹底研究您的目標市場,以了解他們的需求、偏好和痛點。這將説明您定製產品或服務以滿足他們的需求並使其對他們更具吸引力。 明確定義您的願景和目標:重要的是要清楚地瞭解您希望公司實現的目標以及您計劃如何實現目標。設定具體的、可衡量的、可實現的、相關的和有時限的 (SMART) 目標,以幫助指導您的工作。 建立強大的團隊:與才華橫溢、敬業奉獻、分享您的願景和價值觀的人在一起。這將幫助您創建強大的公司文化並提高成功的機會。 培養創新文化:在科技行業,不斷學習和適應新的發展和趨勢非常重要。鼓勵您的團隊發揮創造力,跳出框框思考,並創造一個鼓勵創新的環境。 關注客戶滿意度:您的客戶是您業務的命脈,因此優先考慮他們的需求和滿意度非常重要。確保您有適當的流程來收集和處理客戶反饋,並努力為他們提供最佳體驗。 緊跟行業趨勢:跟蹤您所在行業的發展,並積極主動地將新技術和戰略融入您的業務。這將説明您保持領先地位並保持競爭優勢。 從我的第一家新創科技公司 Diba Inc.,到5年前創辦了 Konijn Design Studio。幾十年的歷程,有成功, 當然也有失敗過。所有的經歷都是非常寶貴的人生經驗。要如何從失敗的經歷裡面得取教訓,轉變成秘訣(下次不要再犯的過失),這才是真正的讓你成功的方式。 #成功秘訣 #創業經歷 #KonijnDesignStudio