
Showing posts from April, 2019

6.1 magnitude earthquake

On April 18, 1:01pm, a 6.1 magnitude earthquake – centered 10.6 kilometers northwest of Hualien – struck Taiwan's eastern coast.  Taiwan's National Fire Agency (NFA) confirmed that there were no immediate reports of any major injuries. NFA has dispatched helicopters to survey the quakes’ impact, but its initial assessment was that there was no major damage to infrastructure. Taiwan’s high speed rail network and Taipei’s MRT have suspended operation to survey potential damage. We want to extend our wishes that all are safe from the rattling. Please be extra careful from the aftershocks that may occur throughout the day. #earthquake

4個步驟,解決跨境金流 (Cross-border payment)的煩惱

金流是成功發展電子商務的關鍵最後一哩。根據Accenture顧問公司與阿里研究院預測,未來五年內全球B2C電商交易總額將突破三兆美元,其中近三分之一的交易屬於跨境交易。一般認為,影響跨境電商發展的因素包括商流(法規、關稅)、物流與金流,其中金流堪稱成功發展跨境電子商務的關鍵最後一哩,包括為解決買賣雙方跨境交易之間的信任問題,以及因應各國市場特性、法規及用戶習慣不同,因此跨境金流逐漸發展出多元支付與收款解決方案。 根據阿里巴巴集團預測,中國2016年跨境電商規模將達到6.5億人民幣,約佔全國19%之國際貿易總額,其中又以阿里巴巴旗下的天貓商城及淘寶網所佔份額最大。以2015年雙11購物狂歡節為例,阿里巴巴全天交易額為912.17億人民幣,其中包括232個國家及地區參與跨境交易,排名前五名依序為俄羅斯、香港、美國、台灣、西班牙。另一方面,中國消費者至國外電商網站購物也日漸普及,在中國稱之為「海淘」。根據統計,2015年已有超過三分之一的中國網購消費者曾以海淘方式購物,較2014年成長近一成,足見跨境交易在中國之成長力道。 目前中國賣家和買家進行跨境交易常用的支付工具包括信用卡(銀聯)、支付寶、微信、Paypal或網路銀行等。其中,隨著阿里巴巴天貓、淘寶等發展快速佔據市場領導地位,支付寶已成為中國最大的第三方支付平台。 東南亞目前電子商物覆蓋率低於歐美與中國,信用卡使用比例低於10%。根據東南亞物流商aCommerce統計,貨到付款(Cash on Delivery)是當前東南亞地區最主要的付款方式,佔整體交易量超過七成。由於東南亞地區金流服務業者如MOLPay、iPay88等主要市場仍多屬地區性交易,尚未發展出如Paypal或支付寶等大型跨境金流平台,因此東南亞大型跨境電商平台如Lazada等,除了選擇與Paypal或Payoneer等歐美跨境金流業者合作之外,亦自行整合印尼、馬來西亞、菲律賓、新加坡、泰國和越南等多國跨幣別結算機制,讓賣家在跨境交易中收到的之付款項,能以本地貨幣結算存入帳戶。 然而台灣內需市場有限,金融法令的限制也過於複雜。 這也是許多電商公司近年來最直接也最討厭遇到的問題。 所以這一篇文章基本上是希望能夠提供一些最方便的步驟與不"違法"的解決方案來建置與串接整個金流給各位參考。 市面上已經有許多的跨境電商交易之金

Forget about waterfall ! let's do Rapid Application Development

What is RAD (Rapid Application Development) At KDS, we do take on client product development projects, mostly software development projects. And to have a fast turn-around time with product prototypes for initial and POC (Proof-Of-Concept) demonstrations, we swear by the methodologies of RAD and SCRUM to make our lives (well, only the work life) easier and more manageable. Rapid application development is a form of Agile software development methodology. Unlike Waterfall methods, RAD emphasizes working software and user feedback over strict planning and requirements recording. The key benefit of a RAD approach is fast project turnaround, making it an attractive choice for developers working in a fast-paced environment like software development. This rapid pace is made possible by RAD’s focus on minimizing the planning stage and maximizing prototype development. In other words, RAD is less talk, more action. and lots and lots of testing, plus gathering user feedbacks to impr