
Showing posts from July, 2018


台灣,對我們來說,是故鄉,是一個我們出生的地方。公司的夥伴們其實也都有一個共同點。當初因為家庭(或家族)的規劃,也幾乎是在一個不知情的狀況下,我們在很小的時候就離開了台灣到了一個完全陌生的環境裡.。當然,對於許多人來說,一個新的環境是絕對會恐懼的,會驚慌的。但是也當然會充滿著驚喜,充滿著新奇。 我們接受了老外的教育,文化,與家庭的洗禮。過了這幾十年, 回頭看來, 我們真的覺得這是種幸運因為我們看到了另一種做人做事的基本態度以及能力。這經驗如果我們是個土生土長的台灣因那應該是絕對不可能得到的。 在國外工作與生活了幾十年了,我們最終還是決定了要回來到我們的故鄉繼續的打拼。這其實也沒什麼偉大的原因。我們只是想要也更希望能讓我們的經驗協助與幫助到台灣的產業。不管是新創還是傳產,也不管是科技研發或者是商務開發,以我們專業上的經驗,是絕對,真的能絕對,能夠協助到需要協助的人。 另外,我們始終相信台灣的人,事,物在國際的舞台上是非常的,絕對的,有競爭力的。在這幾年我們也看到了許多非常有創新前衛性的產品是真的能夠在國際舞台上發揚光大的。但是很多時候,我們反而看到的是真的要進入國際化的大門時,反而垮不過去。文化的限制是否占了多數? 有可能! 或許也有人會說是 因為歧視的問題? 也有可能 ! 真正的原因是什麼,我們其實是非常的清楚。以非常簡單的方式來解釋,許多時候都是方向以及商務策略的問題。當然錢也是因素之一。 這幾年下來,我們也真的是看不下去了。真的是需要拿出老外們不怕死的精神,自己故鄉的問題,要自己來解。政府幫不了我們,企業大佬們不願意幫的,沒關係! 我們自己來! 有沒有解決的方式? 有 ! 那是我們的know-how,也是我們的domain knowledge。 您覺得呢? 如有任何需要協助的地方,歡迎隨時發個訊息給我們。

jQuery slider packages that will make your web page 100% better

JavaScript is a scripting language for the web. Microsoft refers to their implementation of it as "JScript" but in terms of syntax it's pretty much the same. jQuery is JavaScript. It is a JavaScript library, so it operates on top of JavaScript. It cannot exist on its own, so you can't use one over the other. You can use just JavaScript or JavaScript and jQuery. In other words, jQuery is a software library, written in JavaScript, whose intention is to help JavaScript developers when writing code that is to be run in a web page. jQuery is designed to make many JavaScript development tasks much easier. Use jQuery when it will significantly reduce your development time, and you can afford the extra overhead of downloading the library. Personally my reasons of using jQuery/JavaSccript libraries are: Complex element selection Animation Event handling crossbrowser support easy element selection customizable plugins large support community very popular ...

Get your new business ready for the online world

Taking your small business online means putting your business in the game. And playing to win means taking a strategic approach to building a web presence. Search engine optimization (SEO) is a must for any business that wants to survive online today. However, SEO can be taunting and challenging to most of business owners to understand and even getting started into the SEO game. besides a full-blown SEO strategy and implementation, here are a few things that you can do to get your business being exposed to the online users: Get listed in online directories and review sites. Consumers use these sites to search for products and services near them, and your profile on these sites can show up in search engine results. Google My Business Google Maps Yelp Include and maintain your business information Your listings create opportunities for online users to get familiar with your business and your website, making them more likely to click on your pages they m...

The most effective SEO tools for your website

Look no further, we have gathered a list of Search-Engine-Optimization (SEO) tools for anyone who's maintaining and monitoring website traffic and performance. For a simple quick status check on your website, this  SEO tool  will give you the insight information about your website. Also, to enhance your website performance which will have a direct impact to SEO scores, you should always enable gzip compression on your web server. To check if your web server is gzip enabled,  CheckGZIPCompression  tool would be a great tool for you. Is your web site optimized for Chat APPs and social networks ? Most likely NOT !  RichLinkPreview  is an awesome tool to validate your web site for Chat APPs and social networks. The complete list of SEO tools can be found in this  SEO checker article .